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Journal #1: Negative Experiences - And How To Deal With Them

I haven’t done a digital journal in forever. Since starting my drive toward social media five years ago, I’ve always had a hard time expressing myself and sharing my feelings with the digital community. I’ve actually really thought about keeping my thoughts and processes a secret. Mainly because things like these make me feel very vulnerable, very exposed to social media and the negativity that surrounds it. But lately I’ve been really feeling like I don’t have much of a voice on the platforms I am currently on, and I also feel like the art that I’m creating deserves a strong perspective.

So I decided to detail a few ways that I cope and deal with negative experiences. Whether they were something from the past, or something that is currently still affecting you right now; I want to help you get through and discover a happier meaning & truth to what these people are trying to relay to you.

Especially with my past experiences, I feel like there are always people targeting me and wanting to see me fucked up or not happy. It’s a sad world that we live in when complete strangers only motive is to see you down.

Strangers can be anyone, it could be people that you have no idea of or have never met. It could be people that you’ve once felt connected to that are now no longer in your life, or people who think they know you and who think they know everything about you, but you have no knowledge or interest in them.

Most of the time the ”strangers” are only looking for reasons to make you hurt, or make you feel less than what you truly are. For me I feel like some of my past experiences that I’ve had like to reappear in my life occasionally to show strength and worth. But I always have to remember that my life and what I choose to do and what I choose to love only matters. Not the thoughts or opinions of strangers, but the real, factual and solid support, love and care that I have in my life.

Here are some of the steps that I take when negative experiences decide to reappear in my life:

- Take a step back and remove negative emotions from your intentions

I chose to make this step number one mainly because this is the most important thing you’ll need to do when negative experiences come back for you. You’ll need to disassociate yourself from your current emotions and realize that this is the strangers complete goal. Is to make you feel and make you believe that you are not worth. That you are not of value, and that they want you to encompass this negativity and make it yours. Do not do this! Do not give the strangers the ability to make you feel, and give them that satisfaction of knowing that they’ve changed to you.

- Realize your happiness and appreciate the positive things around you

Take a step back and realize that before this negative experience, you were happy or you were content. Think of things that make you happy, or things that you were proud of and focus on those.

- Take a deep breath and think about the support and the individuals who love you

Notice the positive people and resources that you have around you, for those are some of the strongest and most helpful tools you’ll need during times like these. Find that happiness and bring it with you, use it as your life vest.

- Release your negative energy, through exercise, hobbies, or distractions

Unlike these strangers, you’re capable of harnessing this negative energy to use on something other than just hate. Most of the time, it’s the weak people who fear change or the actions of others so they decide to use the direct and weakest option for attack. This leads them to just unleashing their negative energy directly on you. But you’re strong and you’re capable of transforming this negative energy into something productive and into something positive. Just realize that you are the bigger person and you are much more better off without them and they’re negative intentions.

Overall, your main goal when faced with negative experiences is to learn from them. Taking into consideration the sadness, guilt, or frustration the aggressor must feel when unleashing their negative intentions on you. Know that you were not the root of the problem but that you are strong enough to continue to live the life that you deserve and love.

You are worth more than drama, gossip and hatred.

You are loved and you are the bigger person

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